February 21, 2007

Greetings from Guatemala

We made it safe and sound. So much drama to talk about but little time. We got our little guy. He was brought to us about 6:30 last night. He was happy, funny, beautiful, healthy and charming baby. Unfortunately when his fostermom left, he fell apart. He has been screaming and crying since she left. He fell asleep crying and woke up with a smile, looked around and started screaming again. Its the most heartbreaking thing to witness.
The good news is we did get our pink slip! and we already went to the embassy this morning and everything went smoothly! We are coming home on Friday!
We havent been able to take many pictures or video, as one of us is always trying to calm Gavin or pay attention to Tristan. Tristan has been great. A little jealousy and annoyance with his new baby brother but still an angel.

We knew things might be bad, we planned for it and we know things will be better. He is in great shape healthwise, crawls, grabs at everything, and eats everything.
We are so happy.

Oh, the driving here is insane. I wondered on our way from the airport to the hotel how we will ever leave this country without being involved in an accident. Well coming home from the embassy our lawyer drove into another car while trying to change lanes. No one was hurt but it was a bit startling. When we piled out of the car at the hotel, I left my purse in the back seat. With our passports, money, Gavin´s schedule and everything else important I wouldn´t leave in the hotel. We have been calling our lawyer the rest of the day to make sure she has it and she hasn´t returned our call yet. Its ok. I am calm. Really, I am.