Rare are the moments that we can get Tristan to pose willingly with Gavin. Since coming home we have been dealing with a very rebellious toddler who wants nothing to do with his new brother. Last night Tristan had an industrial strength temper tantrum followed by a complete meltdown. I laid in bed with him trying to calm him and tried to assure him that everything will be alright. When I asked him what was wrong he quietly said he did not want baby brother to live here anymore. He seems so afraid that any toy Gavin touches will be lost to him forever. He looks the same way at me and Ricky when we give the baby attention. We are lavishing the praise on him when he behaves well and hoping things will start turning around.
There are those fleeting moments that assure us, it will get better. Just today, Gavin was trying to pull himself up when he fell and started crying. Tristan came running over and watched him cry a moment then gave him an unprompted hug. Progress.
Gavin is still following the schedule his fostermom had him on which helps us immensely. He is eating well and smiling alot. Each day we get to know him a little better.