February 17, 2007

Getting Ready

Potential problems aside, the excitement level in our house is palpable. When me and the husband cross paths, we can't help but smile, hug and remind each other our Gavin is finally coming home! On the other hand, Tristan isn't so much smiling about baby brother anymore. He has taken the position that perhaps Gavin is stepping into some dangerous territory coming into his house. Statements such as: "Baby brothers bedroom is over there (as he points to the neighbors house across the street!)." or "Baby brother can't play with my toys" or today's extra special "I am going to rip up baby brother's room." Alrighty then. I asked Tristan if he was worried about something, perhaps that he would lose his toys when Gavin gets home. He nodded yes. I tried to reassure him the best I can. I asked him what else he was worried about. He said, "werewolves" so I moved onto another subject.

Just 3 days until we are off to the airport. The weekend will mostly be packing, cleaning, organizing and more packing. If everything falls into place, our trip in Guatemala will be short and sweet, returning Friday evening. On the way home from the airport we will make a quick visit at Ricky's family's house to pick-up our car and more importantly introduce Gavin to his Grandparents and Aunts. We did the same routine with Tristan. We ordered pizza and told them of our adventures. Before we left we got together to take a quick family picture. It looked like it would of been a great picture. This time I will make sure the picture is IN FOCUS.