March 03, 2007

The Pick-Up Trip (Part Four, conclusion)

Before we left for Guatemala our agency told us the lawyer will have 2 adoption envelopes. One envelope is for the embassy and the other for us. We were instructed NOT to give the embassy our envelope and do NOT leave the country without it. It contains Gavin's original birth certificate, Adoption Protocol and the other documents that identify Gavin and legalize the adoption. When Gavin was dropped off to us, the translator gave me one envelope and said that is for the embassy tomorrow. When I inquired about our envelope she said the lawyer will give it to you tomorrow at the embassy appointment. At the appointment I asked our lawyer about our envelope and she said she forgot it and will drop it off to us later when she drops off the visa. The following day she dropped off the visa but again forgot the envelope. She said she would return within the hour with it. She never returned. We were leaving on our shuttle to the airport the following morning at 5am. For the rest of the day and night, we were told it would arrive within in the hour, then after work, then it was to be delivered by her secretary on the way home, then around 10pm, then by midnight, then the lawyer was going to deliver on her way home from meetings in the middle of the night. This game continued straight through the night into the morning where we were told the envelope will be brought to the airport with her assistant who was escorting a baby home. The escort had a different flight with a different airline but my husband somehow managed to find her in the middle of a busy airport. This whole incident makes my blood boil. Gavin’s vaccination records were never sent home with us either. We are currently trying to get another copy of the records.

The end of the trip was no less exciting then the rest of the trip. The morning we were leaving we never got our wake-up call. Then I either fell back to sleep for an hour and didn’t realize it OR I misread the clock in the first place but we were suppose to be in the lobby at 4:50am for our shuttle. I thought we were right on schedule and as we were finishing up the last details I glanced at the clock and it read 5:56am. I blink several times, even looked away a few times, because I couldn’t believe it. How could it possibly be 5:56am. We were one hour late. Our plane boards at 6:20. I started freaking out, asking my husband if the clock could be right. He confirmed, oh yes indeed that is the correct time and oh yeah, he was wondering why I was taking my time. What?!? So for the past hour I have been casually packing, showering and getting dressed, and my husband ambled along casually knowing that we missed our shuttle like an hour ago , our plane was probably boarding as we speak and some lady was wandering the airport looking for us to hand over Gavin’s adoption envelope, and no he NEVER SAID A WORD TO ME.

Any of these remarks would of been welcomed:
"Hey we missed our shuttle to the airport."
"Hey do you really think you have time for a shower?"
"Hey you normally are so frazzled when we are running so far behind, what's up?"
"Hey do you think they will hold the plane for another 40 minutes until we get there?"
"Hey, we are late."
"Hey, we are really late."
"Hey, its 6am, shouldn't we be at the airport already?"

Even if words were too much to ask of the husband, how about PICKING UP THE PACE TO A MORE URGENT SPEED! Perhaps that would of prompted me to say, "Hey, whats the rush? We have plenty of time." (sigh) It's still a mystery what went through my husbands head that morning.
