We have been home with Gavin for six weeks. I still can't believe how life has changed for us. He is still having a hard time at night with frequent wakings, crying jags, etc. We don't know how much of it is adoption related or just plain old teething. He has gotten 3 teeth on top and we see a few more just waiting to burst thru. During the day, he eats well, naps once or twice a day, and is generally a happy smiley baby. He does prefer to be held or engaged. If I put him down to vacuum or do chores he will fuss. When Tristan came home, he was only 12lbs and easy to cart around while doing the chores. Gavin is 24lbs of chunk and I am weak and feeble so to the floor he shall sit. Poor kid.
Our biggest challenge remains to be Tristan's behavior. I believe he is quite 'used to' Gavin living here but still will not let an opportunity pass to step on, squeeze, poke, bump into or knock over Gavin. Tristan also continues to freak out if Gavin touches, reaches for, walks nears, or even looks directly at any of Tristan's toys or what Tristan perceives to be his stuff. So most of my days are running interference between Gavin and Tristan's stuff or keeping Tristan from bullying his brother. It makes for very long days and me counting the minutes until the darling husband dashes through the door to save the day. He is big and strong and patient and can hold both boys for infinite amounts of time. I can escape to the gym for an hour to work out or I can go hide in a hot shower and enjoy the silence and inactivity of the moment.
Gavin went to the doctor for the first time and got a clean bill of health. His development is right on target; he will say mama and dada, he waves and claps, pulls himself up and cruises along the furniture. He can even walk holding just one hand. I think he will be walking unassisted soon. Lord help me. Gavin has been doing well with the family, letting them hold and play with him.
We are feeling extremely lucky that we finished our adoption when we did. Guatemala adoptions are becoming even more unpredictable and scary right now and my heart goes out to all the families and children still in the process. We are so very blessed to have our two boys safe and sound at home.