More scattered thoughts about the summer.
Besides Florida, we also took 2 mini-family excursions to Seaside Park where we stayed at Husband's parents condo. Tristan was introduced to the Jersey Shore in June and then again in September. He loved the ocean, loved the sand, loved Gramma and Pa-pa's condo, and had fun with the whole clan. We finally made it to the boardwalk on our second trip in September. All of my childhood vacations were in Seaside. So walking the boardwalk with my own child gave me a yummy feeling.

We headed straight for the kiddie pier and put Tristan on the calmest rides we could find. First husband took him on the mini-train. Then I got to take on him on the jeep safari ride. He got the biggest kick out of the giant slide where he slid down in a sack on his fathers lap. When we first arrived he was a bit hesitant but he quickly warmed up after getting used to all the assaulting noises and brightlights. We all spent money playing the stands, but what trip to the boardwalk is complete unless you are blessed with some bogus prize. Prizes of the day: Big Bird & Singing Elmo (won by Aunt DeDe), the seahorse (won by Husband), and the plastic blow up Hulk bat (won by Me). All items now collecting dust in my house(except the hulk bat thing- it never survived the trip home).
Back at the condo Tristan's One Man Show was playing around the clock. He danced with his grandmother in the kitchen. His Aunt taught him how to throw rocks(...wait isn't that something I yell at him for)?? He let me and husband take a mini-shopping spree all by ourselves at the local B&B store.
It was a relaxing fun-packed weekend and we look forward to going back next year.