December 29, 2005

Christmas 2005 was splendid, now please leave..

This was a wonderful christmas for our family. We went to husband's parents house on xmas eve. Tristan got lots of cute outfits and some cool toys. Me and husband got a new digital camara. It was a relaxing uneventful evening, just what I ordered.

I have not been this excited for xmas morning since I still had baby teeth. Everyday for weeks, I have been enforcing the whole concept of Christmas to Tristan, how santa claus comes xmas eve and leaves toys under the tree and what toys do you want? and maybe we should call santa to tell him and blah blah blah. The first time I asked him what toy he would like santa to bring him. He said 'I want piano', and ' I want truck.' He later added; crane, dump truck, airplane, helicopter and dinosaur. Finally the morning is here, the moment I have been anxiously waiting for. Telling my son Santa came and left presents under the tree just for him. That was one of my favorite mommy moments. His eyes widened with unmistakeable excitement with the suggestion there might be something to climb on. He ran into the living room and without skipping a beat, climbed right onto his climber and went down the slide. Finally something he was allowed to climb on. What fun. Me and husband did much better in the gift department this year. His piano, dinosaur and shopping cart were also big hits.

later that morning my Dad arrived with his arsenal of toys: bob the builder workbench, bob the builder legos, caterpillar trucks, cranes, planetarium, magnadoodles, furby, racecars, megablocks and more. Then there was THE TOY. The favorite toy of all... The Hess Fire Engine and Rescue Jeep. It has sirens, lights, movable ladders, doors that open, a jeep that fits in the back of the truck, made of metal not plastic. Amazing how much joy a toy can bring to a child. He insists the truck join him for his meals. Today he even shared his apples with the truck. Then he dipped the tires in his peanut butter. If I dare try to hide the truck (not to be mean, but the other 39,000 toys in the house need some attention too you know), he will wander around and ask pathetically, where is fire engine??? mommy?? where is fire engine???? which if I don't quickly and efficiently produce said truck escalates into hysterics that would make your ears crawl inside your skull.
Here's the thing though, the truck is small enough to carry around yet big enough to do damage to any wall, furniture, cat or person it is violently slammed against. He can be my angelic son 'look mommy, I play with my fire engine' as he scoots along the floor innocently, then seconds later, He slams it, throws it, crashes it, sends it sailing off the table, smashes it into other toys, my kitchen appliances, the radiators, walls, even his beloved crayons. Just for that moment- my angelic boy morphs into 'disturbed voilent child with horns and a tail'. I am sure its normal toddler-boy behavior thing, right?? I am just not sure if he is trying to destroy the beloved truck or just use the beloved truck to destroy everything else. Guess we will find out.

Husband was happy with his new toys: camera, tablesaw & jigsaw. I was spoiled with tanzanite earrings, an ipod, new pj's and robe and oprah dvd to name a few.

Christmas is a great place to visit but I don't want to live there. I want to put away the decorations, throw away the crumbling gingerbread house and take down the tree. My xmas spirit has been neatly packed up and safely stored. Christmas be gone.