Why is it that, whenever I tell you NOT to do something, you ignore me and continue the offense with olympic determination. Why?
I use my most foreboding voice with authoritative body language. I get down to your level and calmly state my directions. I follow thru with all my threats to take away toys or give you a time-out. When you are placed in a time-out, you act shocked and deceived as if you had no idea. Yet you are not deterred. Once it has been decided that you shouldn’t be doing said activity, it becomes the ONLY thing you want to do. Why?
I have tried to ignore the disobedient behavior hoping you would get bored and move on. That doesn’t work as you will only move closer to give me a better view. If that doesn’t get my attention you will just come over and describe to me what you are doing. What’s up with that?
One morning I was trying to find the energy to get out of bed and you were running wild chasing the cats. I was tired, dizzy and really didn't want to have to fly out of bed to stop you. I yelled for you to stop chasing the cats with all the sternness I could muster at that ungodly hour. I still hear you running. I now hear the cats running for their lives. Out of sheer exhaustion, I pulled out the big guns: I threatened to take your blankie away if you don’t stop. Ha! I smugly thought for sure that would stop you in your tracks. Losing that precious blankie, no way! The running stops, I feel victorious!
I roll over and there it lays like a sacrifical offering. Your blankie laying there next to the bed. I suppose you decided the crime was indeed worth the punishment. You actually went into your room, collected the threatened item, and left it for me next to the bed. What the...!!
I don’t know if I was more shocked that you thought chasing the cats offered you more in life than your precious blankie. Or that you were kind enough or stupid enough or bold enough to actually bring the blankie TO ME.