It was wonderful news we received on June 26th. We got our referral of a baby boy. I was already asleep when Connie came home bursting at the seems after getting the e-mail. She could barely contain herself waking me up to tell me the news. Estuardo is a beautiful boy. We are really blessed to have received a second healthy, beautiful child. I talk of a baby brother often to Tristan to prepare him for his arrival. Tristan and I talk of his new room with the fire engine bed. When Tristan ask to talk of happy things, I've added his baby brother to the list of the park, movies and running around. Playing chase through the living room, dining room and kitchen is one of our favorite things to do. But due to dad's age and current physical condition, we take many breaks. Which usually end up with Tristan doing a flying dive onto daddy's chest. Which leads to rolling and tumbling on the floor. Which leads to me chasing him through the kitchen, living and dining rooms. Repeat if necessary. Tristan also enjoys to rumm, rumm with the his cars and trucks. Tristan really enjoys being tickled. I will often blow bubbles on his belly or neck and after an out burst of giggles and laughs comes, do it again daddy. Which I am more than happy to do. After a half dozen of do it again daddy, I like to move on to something else. Only because I'm out of breath. I really need to start exercising, especially with another one on the way. I can't say how much I love my son because it cannot be expressed. I look at his face, his beautiful face with the happy eyes and big smile and just have to tell him so. I love you!