July 20, 2006

Inspiring the Imagination

I took you for a haircut the other day. In the past, haircuts were accompanied with tears and sometimes hysterics. This time, you were excited about the idea of a haircut. You bounced around happily in the waiting area with anticipation of 'the haircut'. I expected things to turn ugly once we were ushered to the chair, but you ran ahead of me without pause. I plopped you on the booster chair and the hairdresser wrapped a colorful smock around you. Again, you were fine. She asked you what color balloon you would be wanting afterwards, purple or yellow? You thought for a moment then decided yellow.

You sat patiently as she buzzed, trimmed and cut. I fussed about how handsome and brave you were. I slipped $3 in your hand to tip the hairdresser, we said our thank you's and goodbyes. With yellow balloon in hand, we skipped out happily.

On the drive home, I talked about how we will call daddy when we get home to tell him about your haircut and the balloon you got because you were so brave. As we turned the corner, the balloon flies right out the window. We looked at each other surprised. Your eyes darted around the car searching for the balloon. You were crushed and pleaded with me to get the balloon back. I tried to explain that the balloon flew out the window and into the sky and now we can't reach it. I quickly realized I needed to elaborate on this to diffuse the situation. So, I told you the balloon flew into the sky and then a birdie flew away with it. I glanced in the mirror to see you digesting this new bit of information. You were intrigued about this bird. What is with this bird. And what was its business with your balloon? You pressed on for details..

Tristan: Where did the birdie go?

Me: She took the balloon and flew up in the sky. But that's ok....

Tristan: (cuts me off) Where did the birdie fly to?

Me: She flew ...umm....into the sky

Tristan: Where did the birdie take the balloon?

Me: ...I don't know.....she flew away...into the sky..

Tristan: (cuts me off) The nest!! Did she bring the balloon to the nest??

Me: WHY YES!!! She took the balloon back to her nest...Of course..

Tristan: To the babies?

Me: YES!! The Mommy-bird took the balloon back to her babies in the nest..

Tristan: The babies might like the balloon.

Me: YES!! Now the babies are playing with the balloon.

Tristan: YES!

Me: You got to enjoy the balloon and now the birdie family can enjoy the balloon!


Tristan: Where did the balloon go Mommy?

Me: (Ha, I know this one!) The balloon flew out the window and the mommy-birdie took it back to the nest so her babies can play with it. Now the babies are so happy to have Tristan's balloon to play with. And when the Daddy-bird gets home from work, he will be happy because the babies have a balloon to play with!

Tristan: (finally satisfied with my response, he dismisses me by nodding and then directs his attention out the car window)