October 24, 2006

Greetings from Guatemala

We are here! We are safe! Traveling was uneventful and exhausting. We arrived at the Marriot about noon. The airport was very non-threatening but we made an effort to go un-noticed. That proved difficult with Tristan stating loudly and clearly how -He wants to go see his baby brother NOW! Driving to the Marriot was a bit nerve wracking since we were following some type of convoy with the Guatemalan Army (fatigues and guns) right in front of us. Then there were some armed police in the parking lot of the Marriot that made me nervous but I jumped out with Tristan and high tailed it into the hotel. There are sooo many families here walking around with their babies it seems like things are back to normal.

His Royal Cuteness arrived about 5pm with his fostermom. He has the chubbiest thighs I have ever seen! Adorable! And he doles out the smiles like they are candy. Our day started out last night about 2:30am when we headed for the airport. Every other minute from that moment was Tristan asking to meet baby brother. Well after 22 hours up and a brief nap on the plane..... This was Tristan 2 minutes before Baby Brother arrived.

Can you believe it! Eventually he woke up in the middle of the celebration and was confused and a bit ornery. Eventually he started laughing when the baby started laughing at him. Here is their first introduction:

We love his foster mom. She was very traditional Mayan and we both got great vibes from her. Estuardo is her third foster child. He seems in great health, chunky, no diaper rash, happy as can be. He is soundly sleeping at 8pm just like she told us he would be. And he will up at 5:30am as she promised. Tristan has been taking the 'new baby in the house' ok. He has gotten a bit upset when the baby was crying but we are explaining to him that its ok if the baby cries. But he has also gotten very good at making the baby laugh by dancing and doing peekaboo. All 3 boys are sleeping in the room now and I am eager to join. Here are some highlights.

Ignore my closed eyes, its the only picture we have of the 2 boys facing the camera.