After returning home from our first visit with you, we quickly started planning our second trip to visit you. Returning to Guatemala a second time proved to be somewhat easier for us. We have been through the routine already so we felt a bit more comfortable navigating the airport, finding the shuttle to the hotel, etc.
Upon your arrival, I remember thinking how much you have grown since last month. As gorgeous as ever and much more animated and full of smiles. Again the weeekend was filled with lots of video-taking and picture-snapping. The weekend flew by and saying goodbye was again excruitating, yet there was hope. 'Hope' that this would be the last time we would ever have to go home without you. We clung tightly to that thought as we obsessed over when we could bring you home.
September was a hard month for me. I spent every waking moment obsessing, checking email, voicemail and surfing the adoption boards online for any clue as to when I could bring you home. Even though we were at the last stages of the process, the waiting became unbearable. As the end of September neared, we started discussing another visit trip to Guatemala. I started looking into flights knowing if we didn't hear anything soon another trip was immenent.
September 29th: I was doing my usual routine of non-stop checking email and checking voicemail when I heard Karen's voice on the message. My heart exploded as she told me she had good news and to call her back. I called her immediately to find out we were OUT OF PGN and more details would follow tomorrow. The following day was my birthday and it was by far the best gift ever! After work, we celebrated with champagne and toasted our beautiful boy.