On Thursday, 29th, my wife called me to Tristan's room, where he had been napping. When I got there, I could see his head shoulders above the railing of the crib. The little man got himself into the kneeling position and was sitting there with a big grin on his face. You can see in his eyes how proud he was of himself. I guess its only a matter of time before he is able to pull himself up to standing. His crawling has improved from reverse only to forward. And for the past several weeks, walking/running is his favorite thing to do. Tristan just lights up when he grabs hold of your fingers and he starts to walk.
Another new discovery is the share delight Tristan exhibits when watching one or two of our cats playing. He has a favorite cat, Little One, who he would smile at and talk to whenever she came into the room. Tristan has been a silent laugher, but that is slowly changing. We had only experienced his laughter once at a friend's house who have twin 2 year old girls. Now when watching the cats he laughs and giggles out loud. So much it makes us laugh with him.
Tristan has also begun making eye contact up close. When holding him in your arms he will look directly into your face and eyes. It brings on a good feeling knowing our bonds are getting stronger every day.
One draw back the past couple of days, Tristan has caught my cold and has a runny nose. We have wiped it so much, he cheeks and nose are a constant rosey red. And as you can guess, very sore. So, when we try to clean his face he becomes very annoyed and lets us know it. Its so hard to see him like this, but I guess it comes with the territory.