December 28, 2004

He walks, He Talks, He Holds His Bottle

Tristan has been home with us for two months. He started walking with assistance about a week ago, December 21st. Its his favorite thing to do. When laying down or sitting, he will grab hold of your fingers and want to stand. From there its off to the races. If you say run, run, run, his little feet move really fast (for an 8 month old) and a big grin comes on his face. For Christmas he received two toys that allow for him to hold onto and walk, although you still need to stay close by.
As for talking, put Tristan in front of a crowd and off he goes, babbling up a storm. He talks more in front of strangers, a habit we will have to end when he gets older. But for now, its cute to see him just hold a conversation with someone. He talks more when he is tired, usually with fingers in mouth.
As for holding his own bottle, that happened today,December 28th, for the first time. I was getting ready for work and he was lying in bed, eyes wide open and a large smile on his face. He let out a cry, which I took to be a sign of hunger. I took the nearest bottle and popped it into his mouth and low and behold, his hands went to either side and held it in place. I stood beaming like the proud father. Now, this may be normal but I was exicted to see it.
And last night, he sat up on his own for the first time. From a lying position, he rolls to his back and than forces himself up. Crawling has taken a back seat for this and walking. Actually, crawling is mostly in reverse, with much back and forth motion.