March 28, 2005

We're Not Bragging, Its All True

Now every parent is proud of there baby. Saying they are the cutest and smartest, but in our case its true. I still haven't posted a picture, because I haven't spent the time to learn how, but one day you will see that its true. He is very very cute. The sentament is echoed in the words of the many people who see him when we are out shopping. His chubby cheeks, large dark eyes and gummy smile. Thats right, Tristan is nearly 1 years old and still no teeth. So when he laughs or smiles, you get to see those toothless gums. I think it make him even cuter. Again, I am a little prejudice since he is my son.
Besides being extremely cute, he is very smart too. Tristan can identify many objects in the house and point to his feet on cue. But today was the topper. The wife called to say our son is a genious. He got into a closet in the den, where we store cat food and other junk, along with some jars of Tristan's baby food. Well, it was getting close to his feeding time and there is Tristan, standing in the closet point to something. The wife gets up to see what, and sure enough, he is point to his food because he was hungry. Now, if thats not genious than I don't know what is. I can go on and on with stories like this. Than again, I would imagine all parents could too. These little people are so cool. I don't know why I waited so long to have one of my own.