March 07, 2005

I thought it was going to be easier?!

Tristan has been walking for nearly three weeks now. The official date was Feb 14. And I thought it would get easier on the wife and me. Boy was I wrong. The bad back was replaced with getting up and chasing the little man around. Especially when he gets out of sight, than I get a little nervous. Because inevitably you hear a thud than a cry. Now this may sound cruel, but sometimes its better that way, not seeing him actually fall. Because when I am standing over him and try to prevent or cushion the fall, I usually do more harm than good. Tristan likes to walk around with his toy cars in his hands and run them across the walls, doors, appliances, anything he is near. His walking has actually gotten pretty good. He doesn't fall too hard, except when he is running, so its more like an unexpected sit. It was pretty funny the first couple of days watching him walk. To keep his balance he would hold his hands in front of him and grunt while he walked. He looked and sounded like Frankenstein in an old horror movie, with the wife and I as the villagers chasing him. Now that he is walking, he likes to play chase. The other night while the wife and I were eating dinner, he baited my wife into chasing him. He would start to walk out of the room than stop, look over his shoulder, with a real cute smile and wait. As soon as the wife got close to him, he was off, laughing up a storm.
Tristan has been holding his own bottle, usually with one hand for a couple of weeks now. But today for the first time, he said ba-ba for his bottle. We are so proud of him. He is also becoming quite adept at drinking from his sippy cup. Although at times he turns it upside down. Tristan's eating is very good too. The wife is doing a wonderful job of feeding Tristan the right stuff. And you can see the results, as he growing into such a healthy strong little man. His grip is like a vice. Once he locks onto to something its quite an effort to pry it away from him. I guess its from the workout he gets when he pushes his own carriage or shopping cart around. As I said, the wife is doing a great job with Tristan both physically but mentally too. Its fun to watch them play together, laughing and smiling.
Tristan turned 11 months last week and we are preparing for his first birthday and Christening. Nothing too big and fancy, just dinner out with the family. Hopefully some of the relatives who haven't had the pleasure of meeting Tristan in person will be there. Well, sorry for the delay from the last update, I know how everyone who reads this waits for any new info on the most terrific thing in our lives.