March 01, 2006

A Trip to the Derm Doc

This year I pledged to address any health concerns. January was the colonoscopy. For March, it would be skin cancer screening. All the years of sunburns and suntanning left my skin damaged and marked with all sorts of moles and marks. Nine years ago I had 2 suspicious moles removed from my back. It was time to go get checked. Also the perfect excuse to get advice on my annoying winter itch that makes me nuts.

Dr Derm walks in and we chat briefly about my suspicious mole history and she quickly skims my skin for anything weird. She decides I have a weird looking mole on my back, not far from the location of the last wierd moles that were removed. And maybe something funny on my foot. Whew! Good thing I am getting screened I think to myself. Here is her advice/thoughts/ramblings.

  1. She is not concerned about it, BUT she has been wrong before. Actually, she has been 'shocked' by some things that turn up cancerous that she didn't think were anything. (what exactly does one do with this bit of info?)
  2. She says it looks weird but not that weird.
  3. I can have it removed but cutting into the back is not a good idea because its slow to heal and scars.
  4. Of course, its always a risk NOT to remove a weird mole, because it could be skin cancer.
  5. No point in doing a biopsy because she knows it will come back atypical which really doesn't mean anything but its atypical.
  6. We can chose to have my husband take picture of it and watch it for any changes, then address it or
  7. I can have it removed, if I want.
  8. She says she will put 'come back in a year' on my release form but come back if something changes or if I want the mole removed.

I did not have enough brainwaves to figure out what she was advising me to do or not do, clearly diagnosing skin cancer was not her forte. Odd for a dermatologist that I waited 6 weeks to get an appointment with. I drove through a snow and ice storm to get to this appointment, so I wanted some type of sound doctorly advice. The least she can do is help my itchy skin. So as she is bidding me farewell I plead for another moment of her time. I tell her about my itchy skin that drives me crazy at night and how I drown my skin in baby oils and moisturizers but nothing helps whine whine whine. Simple enough, no? Here is her thoughts/advice/ramblings:

  1. Their office sells a very expensive moisturizer that may help.
  2. But its really, really expensive and it may not help so here is the name of cheaper OTC creme that may help. But it stings, thats how it works, its stings the skin to take away the itch. So if I would like to trade itching for stinging , thats my creme. That may help..but if it doesn't,
  3. She gives me a prescription for another creme that might do the trick but probably won't.
  4. Then she says perhaps we should see if any of those works. If not, come back in a month and we will do a biopsy. ( A biopsy? Isn't that kind of radical for itchy skin??)
  5. She further explains itchy skin can indicate lymphoma or hodgkins lymphoma. (as in cancer?)
  6. But she assures me that is not what she thinks it is at this time but, you know, it could be therefore she must discuss the possiblity with me. Because if she doesn't mention it and it is lymphoma, well that would be bad.
  7. So lets wait to see if the above ineffective cremes help.
  8. And come back in a year, if needed or she will see me in 4 weeks to biopsy 'the itch'.

My thoughts:

  1. Was I being punked?
  2. If I told her I had a headache, would she go right to the brain tumor discussion?
  3. Suspicious mole- Possibly good idea to remove mole ...but not really since mole located on my back.... but it could be skin cancer... but she is not concerned... but boy has she been wrong about that we can remove it ....or not. (Pass. Next question)
  4. Itchy skin- Use these cremes on itchy skin..... but they probably won't work ....but might work ....but if they don't work I should come back ....because itchy skin could be lymphoma.... then the cremes won't work .... but the one creme will make your skin sting....but won't cure lymphoma so... come back in 4 weeks.... or a year
  5. No really, was I being punked?

Next on list: mammogram