April 03, 2006

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Some random thoughts about what you've been up to the past year.

One year ago you were just uttering your first words, today you speak in full sentences and use thousands of words. Mommy often gets stopped when we are out in public because they can’t believe how well you are speaking. You are way beyond your years in the language/speech department. We are so proud.

You never walk, you run.

You love your winnie the pooh blankie.

You are stubborn and rarely can be talked into or out of anything. 99% of the time- no means NO.

Mommy and Daddy are blessed with spontaneous forms of affection. Many hugs and sometimes kisses. When I get an unsolicited hug accompanied with an ‘I love you mommy’ I still tear up.

You are polite. You say “please” and “thank you.” You say “god bless you” when you hear us sneeze. You often say “Bye” and “Have a nice day” to the store clerk when we are leaving. When Mommy goes to work you will say “I will talk to you on the phone later mommy” and “Be Careful”.

You know every type of truck on the road and will yell them out as we pass- Cherry Picker! Dump truck! Digger! Crane! Bus!

You know the basic colors (including goldenrod), the alphabet and you can count to 10.

You enjoy when we pretend to cry so you can come offer a sympathetic hug.

Cd's you are enjoying: 104 Silly Songs, Barney, JoJo's Circus. Some favorites: It's Silly Time, Yankee Doodle, The Wheels on the Bus, Rain Rain Go Way, I Love You and Old Macdonald's Farm.

You prefer Mommy to wear a ponytail in her hair. If I take it out, you ask me where it went. You giggle happily if I put it back in. I can't figure out why.

You weigh about 26lbs and are 34 inches tall. You are rarely sick. I don’t believe you even had a cold this past year. You did have a stomach virus that you picked up at the gym’s playroom. You have had your share of bumps and bruises-usually on your face.

You know the names to all of the cats in our house.

Your favorites foods this past year have been; tomatoes, broccoli, asparagus, noodles, strawberries, grapes, beans, carrots.

You only have 8 teeth so far.

You love taking a bath or a shower.

You enjoy riding in the car.

You love Nemo and all the characters in the movie. You know all of their names and have ten different Nemo books. You know the story and can repeat some scenes in detail. You have also been watching: Movies: Shark Tale, Lady & the Tramp, Bambi, Alice in wonderland. TV: Wonderpets, Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, Sesame Street and The Wiggles.

You can recite your street address.

Your memory is excellent (in a sorta spooky way).

I thought a lot about your birthmom, Marta, today and I am sure she has thought a lot about you today. You are still too young to understand what she means in your life but you will someday. So for you my son, and for Marta, my wish is that she somehow knows how you are loved by many, healthy, happy, thriving, and safe here with your Mommy and Daddy.

We are so proud of you and who you have become. Happy Birthday Tristan! We love you, Always and Forever.