'This' meaning...
- Your little hands reaching up at me to be picked up.
- Running to me to kiss the boo-boos away because my kisses are magic and they really do make it all better (for now).
- Your face lighting up when I ask you if you want to take a walk with me down the street or just outside to check the mail.
-Holding my hand without protest when we walk.
- Family hugs at your request.
- The spectacular display of glee and joy when you father gets home from work. Oh, the singing, the jumping, the love. It will never get old.
- Crying "I want Mommy back" on the phone when I am at work because you miss me.
- Orders from you to "sit right there" because you just want me there while you play.
- Watching your innocent face reflect nothing but carefree wonder and interest in what the world has to offer you.
Reminding myself to never take it for granted because...
-soon you will be too heavy to scoop up in my arms.
-my kisses will not always be magic.
-checking the mail will be something you can do all by yourself.
-one day you will shun or be embarrassed to hold my hand.
-few will be the days that you want me there just because.