May 25, 2006

Parenting Decisions

I thought it would be a good idea to recap our 'parenting decisions' over the past 2 years. This will be fun (or horrifying) to read 20 years from now.
Lets assume we made these decisions because we believed it was the best thing for you at the time and not because we were too lazy to do it any other way.
So far so good, you are a delightful, cool, funny kid. And if things don't turn out too well down the road, we can use this as a 'what NOT to do' list.

1) We rocked you to sleep.
2) We rarely put you in a stroller, we held you or used a wrap/baby bjorn.
3) We rarely put you in a bouncy seat or swing.
4)You love to be read to and we read to you often.
5) You were never left to 'cry it out'. We did not practice sleep training.
6) We co-slept. You slept next to our bed in a co-sleeper. Then you slept in your crib. Then you slept in our bed. Sometimes you slept in your crib all night. Sometimes you slept all night in our bed. Sometimes half and half. We just refuse to make an issue over where you slept. It worked for you and it worked for us.
7)Naptime was flexible. We never forced a particular time though you were pretty consistent.
7)You were never away from us overnight.
8)You were never hit, slapped or spanked. And never will be.
9)You still get a bottle with milk before bed. And sometimes another bottle in early morning.
10)You are usually in trouble for harrassing the cats, yelling, throwing or banging toys. Discipline involves taking the toy away or timeout in the crib for 2 minutes.
11)Your diet consists of mostly fruits, veggies, whole grain bread and pastas, veggie meat products, beans, milk, yogurt, vitamin waters, healthy crackers, eggs, oatmeal,pizza,no junk food, no soda or sugared drinks.
12)We gave you ice cream on your 2nd birthday- you didn't like it.
13)We used Huggie diampers, you were allergic to Pampers. We used plain vaseline as a diaper rash preventative. You were never prone to diaper rashes.
14)You had rotavirus when you were 1. A horrible stomach virus when you were about 20 months. You have had the occasional common cold.

to be continued......