As I fumble though my day, living out my life decisions and destiny, I wonder what life will bring for you. I wonder what can I do today that will prepare you for all the tomorrows. I feel like my brain is a beehive and the bees buzzing about represent all the hopes and dreams I wish for you. Some are obvious, some are grand and some are simple.
Here is one that is near and dear to my heart: Follow a career path that is exciting and interesting to you. A wise person said, "Do what you love and the money will follow." This is a brilliant quote. Let what interests and excites lead the way .
Me and your father don't have careers. We have jobs. Soul-sucking, brain-numbing jobs. Forty hours a week spent wishing our lives away. We wish for breaktime to come quickly. We count the hours until quitting time. Then we count the days of the week hoping the weekend gets here a little quicker. Then on Monday its rinse and repeat.
I was tempted to call my choice of employment 'a regret.' But honestly, I don't regret staying with my job. The company I work for has treated me well in some important ways. Since I began working at 20 years old, I have been paid a nice salary with great health benefits and a good retirement plan. Between me and your father's paycheck, we cover the bills, plus enjoy a little extra on the side. I do not have a college education, yet I sit shoulder to shoulder with college graduates that make the same salary. I sit at a desk surrounded by pictures of you. I play on the computer to pass time. Sometimes I work hard, sometimes I barely work at all. I don't have to do physical labor, I sit safely in a air-conditioned, occasionally heated office. I don't have to take work home with me or answer to a boss after-hours. The company views me as expendable and easily replaced, but I am ok with that. In addition, my job has connected me to some, if not all of my dearest friends. I doubt our paths would have crossed if we did not end up working together. If life gave me a do-over, I would pass.
But oh the thought.....the thought of being excited about your job. What a gift to toil the hours away doing something interesting or important to you. Achieving something that makes you proud. Having some of your days fly by becaused you were consumed with the task at hand. Pure joy!
Whatever career path you do choose: Be a dependable and hard worker. Earn your living honestly and ethically. Get up and go to work everyday. Do not waste your time with get rich quick schemes or seek the easy way out. Make the effort to find your niche, it WILL be worth it.