The first item we had ever bought for Tristan was a ornament purchased in Las Vegas a few hours before we eloped. It was personalized to read "Our journey begins 11/16/03" to signify the beginning of our adoption journey. We had our traditional wedding planned for the following April but we needed our marriage license to send with our USCIS application(form you send to the government to formally ask permission to seek international adoption). To continue the tradition, we collect a new ornament for Tristan each year representing something that was significant to him throughout the year.
2006: Chosen for your love of playing outside in the yard, digging in the dirt with your shovel, raking, and watering things. If these cute little garden tools do not end up in your permanent collection it will be because I failed to get you to stop playing with them. One piece was already broken before we left the store. Hands off please!
2005: Chosen simply because Santa is shaped like a crescent moon. You are/were/continue to be a moon-obsessed kid.
2004: Handmade angel from Guatemala purchased on our trip to pick up our own 'Angel' from Gautemala.
2003: Purchased in Las Vegas the day we officially began the process to start our family. It was a beautiful day.