Running with the crowd during Breakfast with Santa
Family Portrait
Looking over the past year in pictures I am amazed at how much you have grown. You are a little boy now. Not a baby. It makes me want to cry. And sometimes I do. I just want to freeze time, make the growing stop just to have more time with you at each age. It goes too fast. You are so thirsty for knowledge, I worry I won't be able to keep up. You want to know what everything is and what everything does. You listen intently when we explain things to you because you sincerely want to know. Socially you are very outgoing, approaching other children, asking them their name and joining right into groups without blinking an eye. Being painfully shy as a child, I am relieved you will not have to overcome that challenge. We finally said goodbye to your nighttime bottle which was replaced with a sippy cup. We explained that since you are a big boy now, its time to pass the bottles on to babies who really need them. You agreed to leave your bottles for Santa who will then deliver them to Gavin in Guatemala, which made you happy.
So we left the bottle behind in 2006 and hopefully 2007 will bring the end of the diapers. Big changes in the house coming up; new bedroom with a big boy bed for Tristan, a brand new master bedroom for Mom and Dad, new doors, new siding and roof on the house. Big changes in our family coming up; Gavin's long awaited home-coming. Its all good and I can't imagine it not being the best year ever. We are ready for you 2007- Bring it on!