July was a sun-tastic month. We celebrated Independence Day at Steve & Elena's BBQ which is always a blast. You played in the pool all day. You loved the small slide so much, we had to buy one of your very own. The following day we drove to the beach to visit Gramma and Pa-pa at the beach house.
August 2006
Land of Make Believe
Staying close to Mommy at Sesame Place
August was a great family month as we finally got off our butts and did stuff. We went to the Land of Make Believe which provided hours and hours of amusement rides with no lines. You loved the airplanes that you can control with the handlebar. Up and down. Up and down. Over and Over. Mommy and Daddy's stomach barely survived the day. In the afternoon we headed for the water park area but the crowd was a little rough and you finally gave in and told us you wanted to go to sleep. You were asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot to head home. The following weekend we drove out to Pennsy to visit Sesame Place. It was a bit overwhelming at first. It was hot and the lines were long so we didn't make it on many rides. You had more fun in the various wading pools and watching the characters in the parade. Next year I am sure it will be a hit.