January 2006
The year started with un-seasonable warm weather which brought us outside to play in the dirt. We also started collecting the paperwork for Gavin's adoption.
February 2006
March 2006
Happy Birthday! You're Two! Your grandparents bought you the coolest tricycle I have ever seen- a HarleyDavidson. We also had a visit from the Easter bunny who left you a Easter basket filled with toys. You enjoyed your easter egg hunt and can't wait to do it again this year. During this month we finally completed our adoption dossier. Our file is sent to Guatemala and we wait for 'the call' about your new baby brother.
May 2006
This was a busy month for us. We drove to New York to celebrate cousin Daniel's first birthday, we had a BBQ at our house (very rare occasions) and your buddies Sam & Dan came over. We also didn't know it yet, but Gavin was busy being born on May 27th.
June 2006
June 2006
An exciting month for our family- we got the joyous news about Gavin on June 20th!