February 01, 2007

Birth Certificate: RECEIVED

Gavin's birth certificate was picked up yesterday. Whew! We are almost there.

Next up: Birth certificate must be translated and on to the passport office. Once this step is complete, our file is ready to be submitted to the US Embassy for an appointment. Our agency said our file should be submitted on Monday. The lawyer returns to the embassy in 48 hours to (hopefully) pick up our PINK slip. A 'pink slip' is a pink sheet of paper with the long-awaited appointment date on it, telling us when we can show up to pick up Gavin's visa. That is our ticket home! Typically the appointment date is 7 days later. So our tentative travel plans are looking something like this:

2/6/07 Monday- Lawyer submits our file to the embassy for an appointment date
2/8/07 Wednesday- Lawyer returns to embassy to pick up appointment date (usually 7 days later, hopefully there will be no problem with our paperwork otherwise we will be temporarily stalled)
2/13/07 Tuesday- Fly to Guatemala, GET BABY and meet with lawyer to recieve paperwork
2/14/07 Wednesday- Embassy Day interview
2/15/07 Thursday- return to Embassy to pick up visa
2/16/07 Friday- return home as a family of FOUR!

This would be a great, if things work out to this timeline. If anything gets pushed a day forward we are most likely moved into the next week which has a holiday in it. Fingers are crossed.
